Comments on: New Beginnings Follow us as we travel Southeast Asia Tue, 12 Jul 2016 21:01:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Tue, 12 Jul 2016 21:01:05 +0000 From a fellow Californian, CHEERS!!!! I have been planning a year+ getaway for, well, about a year now, haha. I too have a good job straight out of college, I moved to Manhattan Beach about a year and a half ago and have been enjoying myself, yet ever mindful of that oh so familiar itch, as you put it. During my daily Reddit perusing I came across your SEA post for packing and I became intrigued.

I will be heading to NZ first (Brother has his residency in Queenstown) for anywhere from 2-4 months, depending on cost etc. After that I will be heading to SEA for an unknown amount of time. I am absolutely petrified of leaving my job, moving all my crap back up north( Sacramento area) and then high tailing it with little more than a bag of my most utilitarian of items, plus some keepsakes.
Thank you for providing me with the anonymous support that I am making the right decision. I backpack, travel interstate about 1-3 times a month so I understand the itch to get out and explore. 3 years at my current job seems long enough to get my feet wet in an adult career; now I am ready for the adventure of a lifetime that I have been staving off for as long as I can remember.

Anyways, I just want to say thank you for your posts, they are very informative and inspiring! I can’t tell if you are still out on your travels, but if so may the good time continue rolling. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat, or have any advise for me! My concerns are of course- financial, ease of mobility, and figuring life out upon the return…The last part not so much 😉
